Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Me Again

Oh man. I haven't posted in such a long time. My life has just been so disorganized and up in the air. So much has happened that I can hardly even get my thoughts in order. And this is particularly difficult for me being a perfectionist.
I've been trying to develop some sort of online business for myself for the pass few years. But it seems that when I have my plan down and am ready to get going something happens to put me off track from my Internet endeavors into something I had no plan for at all. A little over six years ago I started trying to build my own web presence but had a set back when I had found I had breast cancer. So I took time to do what I had to do to get through that situation. Then just when I thought I was ready to get myself together and move forward with my Internet Entrepreneur idea, my youngest son was injured in a work related accident. Which has had surgery after surgery over the pass three and a half years. Now as his physical therapy is winding down to a close and I was ever so ready to do my thing something else has raisin to try to distract me from my goal. But I refuse to let this interfere this time. I have so many ideas and I know that I can profit from them given the proper time and effort.
What is this new thing that is planning on trying to still my time from me? Cancer. Yes, my breast cancer has returned. I just happen to be one of those few rare people who even though I took extensive steps above and beyond what I needed or was required to do to prevent the cancer from coming back have a recurrence. I'm not ready for this nor do I want to go through this; but what choice(s) do I have? Anyway I'm going to try to use my down time (chemotherapy and radiation means many days spent at the hospital or at home) when I'm not feeling to ill, to devote to working on my web world. I have purchased myself a voice recorder, digital camera, camcorder, and a few other gadgets so I can try and work on my web sites when ever, where ever I can.
I may do a lot of venting here about my cancer and my treatment. But the main focus of this blog is to somehow keep me centered. I'm not sure how far progressed my cancer is. I'm still doing testing. I don't feel to ill. Just fatigue easily. But I keep telling everyone I'm not dying. I'm just sick. I just have a chronic illness that will have to be closely monitored and maintained for the rest of my life. And I have no plans of leaving this planet anyways soon.

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